Friday, August 27, 2021

Under His Wings

 Under His Wings is a bestselling devotional collection of real-life bird encounters enjoyed by the author. Joy had no idea when she moved from the city to the country that God was going to express His love for her and all of us in so many tender moments. You don’t have to be a birdwatcher to enjoy the stories or the life-changing truths in this delightful book.
Joy DeKok
I love words, and enjoy reading them as much as I do writing. My journey into both began when I was four and taught myself how to read. Somehow, I'd noticed the white space between the words she read and realized that's how to know where one word ended and another started. I listened to her say the words as I looked at each one. One day, I just "got" it. When she found me reading to my dolls and stuffed animals, she thought I'd memorized the stories, but handed me a new book and I could read most of it on my own.
That's when I started dreaming about putting my own words on the pages.
Later, I fell in love with libraries, paper, pencils, and pens. With my small weekly allowance (for cleaning my room or helping dust) I'd visit Ben Franklin or Woolworth's, and buy a new tablet, notebook, or pencil. I remember the day when I was allowed to buy a set of Bic ball point pens - oh my goodness! I had blue, black, red, and green to choose from and contained ink - a really big deal to me. It was like graduation day.
Twitter:  @JoyEDeKok

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