Monday, May 26, 2014

Living Whole Without a Better Half ~ Spotlight

Living Whole Without a Better Half: Biblical Truth for the Single Life by Wendy Widder

There are more singles in--and out of--the church today than ever before. Wendy Widder knows the struggles of being single from the inside out, and she has something to say. While there is no shortage of books about singlehood on the market, Widder's approach is markedly different. In Living Whole Without a Better Half readers study the character in Hebrews 11. Widder uses these Biblical examples to show readers how to embrace singleness as an abundant life and a God-given gift, not as an unfortunate stage they should move past as quickly as possible. By examining the lives of biblical heroes such as Abraham, Moses, and Jacob, she reveals that trying to bargain with God to follow our plans and timing often keeps us from appreciating the opportunities he places in our path.
Widder makes her case with wit and a wry humor that readers will appreciate and come back to again and again. Now with updated statistics, and a new preface, Living Whole Without a Better Half includes study questions that make it a great Bible study or small group resource.

My Review
No matter if you are single for the reason that you want to be or due to not finding the right mate, ‘Living Whole without a Better Half’ is an insightful, wonderful read. Wendy will take you on a journey through parts her life that all single or married folk can find something to relate to. She describes in short stories how she lives on her own and how it can be lonely and rafted with ongoing challenges. She expresses how she has managed without a spouse, and how she has learned to rely on her God and savior Jesus Christ, finding blessings and purpose in doing so.

What I loved about the book, is how humble Wendy is in describing her life as a single woman. She is not too proud to admit her frailties and iniquities. I also loved how she elaborates on certain Biblical characters, such as Abraham, Moses and more. She makes their lives relatable to the reader. Also, I quite liked the large side notes in the chapters focusing on some of the major points. At the end of each chapter there is a list of questions, making this read perfect for group discussions and Bible studies.

All in all, I found this book refreshing and inspirational. Wendy has great wisdom on the subject of singleness as well as explaining the trials, aspirations and blessings that the patriarchs in the Bible faced. I recommend this book to singles as well as married. There is something for all to glean in this book.

About the Author

Wendy Widder is an author, teacher, and scholar, who loves helping people understand the Bible better. Most of her study has been devoted to the Old Testament, and she is especially passionate about helping the church restore an appreciation and love for this oft neglected Bulk-of-the-Bible.

She has a PhD in Near Eastern Studies (University of the Free State), an MA in Hebrew & Semitic Studies (University of Wisconsin-Madison), and an MDiv with an emphasis in educational ministries (Grand Rapids Theological Seminary). She is the author of two books for single adults and a third book for Christian school teachers, which she co-authored with her father. Currently, she is writing commentaries on the book of Daniel for two new series by Zondervan (The Story of God; Hearing the Message of Scripture). Additionally, her master's thesis and doctoral dissertation have been published, by Logos Bible Software and Walter de Gruyter,respectively.

Wendy currently works at Logos Bible Software, where she helped author half a dozen books for Lexham Press, the publishing arm of Logos. She blogs sporadically at 

Living Whole Without a Better Half ebook


  1. Hi Victoria,
    Thanks for taking the time to read and review "Living Whole"! I appreciate your thoughts and am glad you can recommend it to others. I hope others can benefit, too!

  2. You're welcome. Wishing you a great tour. :)


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