Monday, June 3, 2024

IN SEARCH OF TRUTH: Thy Word have I Hid in my Heart by Rachel Jamerson


How often have you looked beyond your field of vision and imagined what is out there? You are just a single drop in the middle of a vast ocean. What on earth leads us to believe we are in control of anything!
We work desperately to achieve those things we feel we must have. While we climb the ladder of our ambitions, children grow up, we get old, and suddenly life is not so shiny anymore. Then one day you answer the door to find the grim reaper standing there. It doesn’t matter who you are everyone will experience these things. It will eventually end for all of us.
So why are we here? What is the creator's plan? What has happened in the past? What does the future hold?
Hopefully this narration will offer a glimpse of light and understanding. The basis for this literary offering is the Holy Scriptures.
Discover who God designed you to be, where he gifted you to serve, and the confidence to pursue that course.

About the author

I have been writing for twenty-five years. My favorite resource is scripture. A hunger for God’s Word took me to the campus of Precepts International in Chattanooga, Tennessee. There I learned the Inductive Bible Study method, which completely changed the way I view scripture.

I served for five plus years in a local chapter of CONTACT USA. While there I served on the board of directors and as a crisis line specialist. In addition I am certified by the American Association of Christian Counselors in Caring for People God’s Way. I remained an active member until 2005. I am currently retired.

After becoming a Christian, my desire to write and quest for answers were dedicated to understanding God’s message to man. What exactly was He saying and why were there so many different interpretations? As a result, I became an avid student of scripture. My book ‘Spiritual Compass’ contains excerpts from various articles written over the years. It also takes the reader on a simple walk through the Word of God and offers insights derived from the personal journey of others.

I am a widowed grandmother of eight, retired and living in Southwestern Virginia.


I thoroughly enjoyed reading In Search of Truth by Rachel Jamerson. The book is interspersed with vivid narration and biblical quotes. The author does a great job documenting the history of the Jewish people along with their trials and tribulations. She backs up her views with strong examples of Scripture. It's an interesting study of both faith and the historical events of the time. She even spells out the events yet to come. I have to admit that I learned more in depth facts about events that I thought I had a good understanding of.

I highly recommend reading this book.

Content Rating 


Language -PG 

Violence - None

Adult - None 

Moral - This book emphasizes the importance of understanding our place in the world and the insignificance of our individual desires and pursuits in the face of the vastness of existence. It encourages introspection, reflection on our purpose, and the recognition of divine guidance in finding fulfillment through service aligned with our inherent design.


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