Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Underworld: (The Aduramis Chronicles - Book 2) (Er’ath)

A Master Storyteller.' - Jaime Polychrones. Book Expo America 2017.

Blown off the course of their heroic destiny, the Wulf brothers find themselves at the mercy of fate in more ways than one …

Separated, stranded, and deterred from their course, Coinin and Marrok must fight against all odds to reunite and resume the course set before them.

With Marrok kidnapped, Coinin Wulf, Curator of the Temple of Rindor, feels duty-bound to locate his brother, rescue him, and resume their journey to save Er’ath.

Confident his brothers’ violent capture was ordered at the behest of the dark wizard, Lordich Secracar, Coinin and his companions fall headlong into a series of events that will lead them to the depths of the Underworld and face-to-face with death itself.

Return now to Er’ath and The Aduramis Chronicles at the turning of the tides, when Coinin is given an offer he cannot refuse and finds himself at a vantage point over his oldest enemy.

Continue the brothers’ epic journey into the pits of hell and beyond as they are tested like never before in a race against time.

Find out what fate has in store in Book Two, Underworld. 

About Harrison Davies



Born in Hartlepool, United Kingdom in 1973. I grew up a typical 70's child, bad hair, and even worse clothes. I grew up reading books by Enid Blyton, and C.S. Lewis.

I live with my partner in Newcastle upon Tyne, a parrot called Oliver and a dog named Patch. I enjoy photography and filmmaking when I'm not writing.

"It is far easier to grow wings, than it is to write a book. Yet once you've mastered it, you will be soaring higher than the birds." -Harrison Davies 2012.


Twitter: @HarrisonDavies


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