Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Fun fact about C. S. Lewis

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe was inspired by an image of a faun. From age 16 onward, Lewis often found himself imagining “a Faun carrying an umbrella and parcels in a snowy wood.” According to his short essay, It All Began With A Picture, the image continued to come to him until, at age 40, he said to himself, “Let's try to make a story about it.”

I found this C.S Lewis fact interesting because I had a similar experience. Before I wrote, The Warble, I had an image in my mind, of my protagonist, Kristina, bundled up in her snow garb, carrying her school books, and running down a snowy sidewalk to catch her school bus. That is all I had when I started writing my story.

The Warble
Now an audio book.
Click link  to hear a sample chapter.

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