Saturday, September 4, 2021

Making Peace with Prickly People

"Anyone struggling with conflict in their relationships should read this book. Making Peace with Prickly People will help you untangle the web of bitterness and anger that holds your heart hostage."
-- Florence Littauer, International Speaker and Author of Personality Plus 
Reading this book will help you to:
Free yourself from debilitating anger 
Cope with childish behavior in others 
Deal with difficult family 
Improve toxic relationships using practical tips 
Show honor, love, and respect to those who don't deserve it 
Forgive for good 
Learn to love God and others 
Make peace with everyone, even yourself  
The Bible clearly lists a three-step process for making peace in relationships: Love God, love self, and love others. Yet most of us want to skip the first two steps and go right to the third. We keep trying the same thing over and over again, but nothing ever changes. 
Are you ready to try something new? The formula for conflict resolution is as easy as 1, 2, 3: think of it as a Spiritual Relationships for Dummies.  
1.     Make peace with God. Explore the Scriptural four-fold personality of Jesus, who loves us with all His heart, soul, mind, and strength. He suffered and died in order to make peace with us, the prickly people. Receive His peace, experience His love.
2.      Make peace with yourself. Identify your "Jesus-genius", your personality gifts, using a free personality assessment. End your toxic self-talk and be filled with God's words of truth, love, and light. 
  • 3.    Make peace with others. Coming from a place of peace and love, a changed perspective will reveal your prickly people in a different light. Forgive for good and transform your relationships. 
  • There are no shortcuts to making peace, but this has the stamp of approval from Jesus Himself. Following God's plan for making peace with prickly people is guaranteed to change relationships, even if your prickly person never changes.  
  • Included with this book are free online resources: Personality Key© assessment 
  • Prickly People Prayer Calendar 
  • Small group study guide
Deb Potts 
lives in SE Michigan, where the people are hardy. Her greatest joy is sharing the wisdom God has given her about forgiveness, healing, and destiny.
Deb and her husband Bruce lead the Campus Marriage Ministries at Kensington Church in Orion, Michigan. They've set a goal to hike one million steps across America, state by state. So far, they are more than 3/4 done.
Deb is a speaker, author, and mentor. She loves to share God's amazing story in coffee shops and in auditoriums; in speaking and in writing; with humor and with candor. 

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