Friday, October 15, 2021

The Full Armor of God: Are You Sure You Got Dressed Today?

Tired of wondering when the onslaught of battles you face daily will ease up? Do you feel as soon as you overcome one hurdle, another one is just up ahead? God did not leave you on this side of Eden to succumb to the worries and fears our broken world throws at you daily. He provides specific gear to battle through these storms while still feeling unimaginable joy. The enemy wants you to believe it's not possible, but Jesus makes everything possible. You must decide to either wear Christ's protection or allow the enemy an unobstructed path to your heart.Pair with the Workbook Companion for The Full Armor of God and enter into a deeper Bible Study of how the enemy pursues you, tricks you, and taunts you away from your Father's safety. Reclaim the life God intended for you since the beginning of time.
Crista Crawford 
is an imperfect Christian who felt led to write about her perfect God. Through His patience and love, she learned the importance of wearing His protective armor because being unprotected wasn't fun anymore; it was hard.
Crista has a Bachelor of Arts, Master of Science, and Master of Education with an emphasis in reading. She is the recipient of the Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award. Crista lives in the Midwest with her husband, Rod, and their children.
Visit Crista's blog to learn more about clothing yourself in God's protection.

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