Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Brothers' Keepers Tour

Publisher:  RidgeRoute Press (November 17, 2014) Category: International Suspense, Mystery/Thriller ISBN: 9780991401734 Tour Date: January/February, 2015 Available in: Print & ebook, 314 Pages
A friend’s deception. A family’s dilemma.
While cataloguing looted antiquities in Brussels, archaeologist Grace Madison discovers that her daughter has vanished in France, and her son’s bride has been attacked in Switzerland. After the Madisons unearth a relic whose taproot pierces the Ancient Near East, they realize that before they can save themselves, they must rescue an old friend. If he’ll let them. 
They sacrifice hearts and lives in a race against eternity on a four-thousand-year-old trail crossing three continents.
Because choosing what’s right is all that’s left.

Praise for When Camels Fly (Parched Series Book I):

“Page-turning international suspense–this writer is on her way up.”-DiAnn Mills, Christie Award winning author
An exciting novel of suspense, intrigue, and mystery. Very nicely done.“-Paul Johnson, Readers’ Favorites 
“It’s obvious from the writing that the author has spent time here.”-Ellis Shuman, Times of Israel
“The book was fantastic, and nearly impossible to set down. Highly recommended.“-Kathryn Bennett, Readers’ Favorites 
“A unique, totally out in left field, never been told story. I love that.”-Every Free Chance Blog

Advance Praise for My Brothers Keepers:

The Brothers’ Keepers, book 2 in the Parched series, delivers masterful international suspense driven by contemporary family dynamics. Light the late-night oil because you won’t want to put this book down.”-DiAnn Mills, Christy Award Winner
“I thought Horton peaked with her first novel, When Camels Fly. I’ll admit, I was wrong. The Brothers’ Keepers is magnificent! The main characters from her first novel are beautifully developed in this sequel.
This is a more accessible novel than When Camels Fly mainly because of the location — Europe. She incorporates the history of the places her characters visit, and she weaves an incredibly feasible story around these events. The story is as complex as When Camels Fly, a good thing that requires close reading, but it is well worth the effort.
I highly recommend reading When Camels Fly before this one and continuing journeying with the Madison family!-Leigh Bennett, Reader
“I am once again became enthralled by the exploits of an intelligent, older woman and her family whom I first got to meet in When Camels Fly. It’s so rare to find a heroine that the more mature amongst us can relate to on some level. I look forward to learning more about Grace, Mark, Maggie, Jeff and Becca as they become embroiled in yet another adventure after Maggie goes missing and an attempt is apparently made on Becca’s life whilst she and Jeff are honeymooning in Switzerland.“-Anne Rogers, Reader


Grace Madison, PhD.

Four A.M.

The ringing phone interrupted my first good night’s sleep in two weeks. My heart raced, and the Sixth Commandment echoed through my groggy brain.
I am archaeologist Grace Madison, and I do not typically kill people.
“The shot shattered the window inches from her head.” My son was on the other end of the line, referring to Becca, his bride. “I’m checking in with everybody. Dad was plowing snow off the road to the ranch house. You’re obviously fine in Belgium. Where’s Maggie? I can’t find her.”
“Your sister’s in Paris, Jeff. Preparing for a conference in the south.”
“You sure about that, Mom? She’s proven to be a missing target before.”
“I’ll confirm and get back to you. Give me an hour.”
The line went dead. Swatting at the light switch above the nightstand, I knocked over the water carafe, then left a caring tirade in Maggie’s voice mail. After speed-dialing my husband, Mark, in Colorado, I yanked open heavy brocade draperies and nearly pulled a gilt bracket out of the wall.
I released the wadded fabric as I gazed eastward, at a clementine slice gripping the horizon.
Five A.M.
“I can’t find your sister. Your dad is working his way to Paris. Can you meet us there?” I was lucid now, paying attention.
FedPol, the Swiss national police force, would want to question Jeff and Becca, and try to prevent them from leaving the country. He was a war correspondent for the BBC, and she was retooling her career after her cover as an MI6 agent had been blown last year. They might have the contacts to flee the bed-and-breakfast high in the Swiss Alps, where I hoped things had been perfect until the glass exploded.
“Honeymoon, Mom.”
“What’s left of it, dear.” I prodded him, picturing his coppery unibrow spiking above his glasses frame as he fumed. He loved and respected his sister, but would perceive her disappearance during his belated honeymoon as her epic failure. “I checked with her security team. Last they heard, she was swinging through Paris before heading to the water conference in Marseilles.” When he didn’t respond, I continued. “Jeff.” My tone conveyed the Mom Look of Death, but he didn’t give up.
“Why was she in Paris? Coax another proposal from Cliff?”
I tried to be patient. “Cliff doesn’t require coaxing. She won’t accept his offer anyway. Can you leave Switzerland?
Quiet conversation preceded a rustling thud.
Becca’s clear voice meant she snatched the phone. “Dr. M., we’ll be there later today. Is that soon enough? You’re at—your normal location?”
I admired her caution, still delighted my son had the sense to marry this formidable young woman. “Yes. Looking forward to seeing you, Becca. Thank you.”

About NLB Horton:

Winner of  ‘A People’s Chioce Award’ in fiction, NLB Horton returned to writing fiction after an award-winning career in journalism and marketing as well as earning her Masters of Biblical Studies degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. She has surveyed Israeli and Jordanian archaeological digs, tossed a tarantula from her skiff into the Amazon after training with an Incan shaman, driven uneventfully through Rome, and consumed gallons of afternoon tea while traveling across five continents.
 Horton is a member of the venerable Explorers Club, based in New York City and founded in 1904 as an international multidisciplinary professional society of explorers and scientists. From her home in the Rocky Mountains, she writes, cross-country skis, gardens and researches ideas for her next novel. Horton’s first novel in the Parched series, When Camels Fly, was released in May 2014.  The Brothers’ Keepers is the second, with the third installment available in fall 2015.

Buy The Brother’s Keepers:

This giveaway is open internationally however, pint is only availble to the U.S. and Canada. This giveaway ends on February 28, 2015.  Please use Rafflecopter to enter.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for taking part in the tour and posting the excerpt!


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