Friday, March 15, 2024


 The Kalico Kids are puppets created for use in Junior church classes. Scripts and stories, teach Biblical principles through imagined scenarios to which children can readily relate. Any puppet can be used. The stories are fun and the scripts can be used in class or Bible School. The material was created by the author including homemade puppets.



About the author

I have been writing for twenty-five years. My favorite resource is scripture. A hunger for God’s Word took me to the campus of Precepts International in Chattanooga, Tennessee. There I learned the Inductive Bible Study method, which completely changed the way I view scripture.

I served for five plus years in a local chapter of CONTACT USA. While there I served on the board of directors and as a crisis line specialist. In addition I am certified by the American Association of Christian Counselors in Caring for People God’s Way. I remained an active member until 2005. I am currently retired.

After becoming a Christian, my desire to write and quest for answers were dedicated to understanding God’s message to man. What exactly was He saying and why were there so many different interpretations? As a result, I became an avid student of scripture. My book ‘Spiritual Compass’ contains excerpts from various articles written over the years. It also takes the reader on a simple walk through the Word of God and offers insights derived from the personal journey of others.

I am a widowed grandmother of eight, retired and living in Southwestern Virginia.

Amazon Review 

This is an entertaining book written for grammar school age children. Its length is perfect for that audience and though the content is different, it is sort of reminiscent of Beatrix Potter’s books. However, the author uses puppets instead of animals, which is effective in its delivery. This book would be one for a parent to read to their child before bed. I imagine it would leave a lasting impression as there are moral lessons throughout. The chapters are not too long so it would be perfect to read one each night. The illustrations are also effective. Well done!

Content rating

Drug: – 0

Language: - 0

Violence: – 0

Adult: – 0

Christian Content: - This story teaches that conveying Biblical principles to children can be made enjoyable and relatable through creative means like using homemade puppets and fun scenarios. It emphasizes the importance of engaging young learners in a way that resonates with them, highlighting that the method of delivery is key to effectively imparting moral and spiritual lessons.




Thursday, March 14, 2024

From the Plains to the Sea


A gripping tribute to the men who served aboard the USS Boyd in the Pacific during World War II. Based on true events as seen through the eyes of a fictitious sailor who grew up in the high plains of Colorado. It's a tale of bravery and the desire to avenge the most dastardly attack against America.

The book chronicles the journey of just one of the crew from the aftermath of the attack on Pearl Harbor to the climactic end of the war. It looks back on his life, which is an all too common example of what many young men faced growing up during the Great Depression.

The ship and its crew face many hardships along the way and in the end they are there for each other.

I have been writing historical fiction novels since I retired from the Insurance industry. I have a lifelong love of history and enjoy sharing my accumulated knowledge. I was born and raised in Colorado and Wyoming. I served in the US Navy. My wife and I have three grown daughters and two grandsons.


Amazon Review 

From the Plains to the Sea, by Danny Bradbury is an awesome read! I, like most females, do not usually read much about war. This book turned out to be well worth the time invested.
The author tells this story as if he was actually the young man from Colorado who lived during the Depression and II World War. His depiction of events is realistic, exciting, and extremely entertaining.
Major events in the story include a difficult upbringing, living during the Depression, and three years spent on a Navy vessel in the heat of the conflict. He speaks of the conflict in Iwo Jima and Okinawa as well as many others. The main character also survived a major attack against his ship which left both physical and emotional scars.
This young man made it through the war, came back to finish high school and college, and obtained a degree in engineering. Great story!

Content Rating:

 Drug content: None 

Violence content: Non-graphic battle

Adult content: None

Language content: No cursing

Moral content: In times of adversity, camaraderie and unity among comrades prevail, showcasing the resilience and courage of those who serve in the face of immense challenges.


Twiiter:  @DanBradbury52


Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Bandy by Craig Hipkins


Isaac’s only friend is a passenger pigeon named Bandy. He deludes himself in believing the bird talks to him. Bullied, he is resigned to a life of being the misunderstood bookworm by neighboring boys until a disastrous fire kills his parents and little sisters, sparing only his younger brother, Thomas. He and Thomas are taken in by their Uncle Raymond, an abolitionist, who plans to send Isaac to Virginia to buy Joy, a young slave with debilitating health, from her slave owner, Wil Jericho. Shortly after arriving in Virginia, Isaac learns the ugly truth. The butler who accompanied him on the journey killed his uncle before leaving and plans to do the same to Isaac to steal Raymond’s estate.

Isaac, with Joy, escape into the backwoods of Virginia. Discovering passages of the Underground Railroad, stowing away in carriages, hiding in churches, and outwitting the mercenaries hired by Jericho, the two teens fight tooth and nail to make it to Boston before they’re caught. Will Joy be taken from this life by sickness before she’s found freedom? On their journey, they learn a lot about each other. Isaac promises to bring Joy to Bandy's pond, a heavenly place where peace and serenity reign.

About the author

Craig R. Hipkins

Craig R. Hipkins grew up in Hubbardston Massachusetts. He is the author of medieval and gothic fiction. His novel Adalbert is the sequel to Astrolabe written by his late twin brother Jay S. Hipkins (1968-2018)

He is an avid long distance runner and enjoys astronomy in his spare time.

Amazon Review

 "1860 Virginia" takes readers on an exciting journey through pre-Civil War America, weaving together themes of friendship, freedom, and resilience. Isaac, an orphan has a trusty pigeon friend, Bandy. He joins forces with Joy, a sickly slave girl, in a daring escape from a cruel master.

Their adventure is rapid narrow escapes and heart-pounding moments as they avoid capture and chase after their dreams of freedom. Along the way, they discover a newfound strength in themselves and in their bond with each other.

I found that the author skillfully captures the essence of the era, highlighting themes of bravery and the fight for justice. Isaac's pledge to take Joy to a serene spot by Bandy's pond resonates deeply, capturing their quest for a better life.


Drug Content: Isaac and Joy run into a drunk who threatens them. 

Violence: There is mild violence. Isaac is forced to defend himself and Joy against bad people who wish to do them harm. 

Language: No offensive language. 

Adult Content: None 

Christian or Moral Content: I consider this book to have a Christian ideology. Love, chivalry, friendship, & honor.


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